Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Thư Của Bộ Ngoại Giao Úc

22 May 2007

M/s Truc Le, M/s Phuong Duy and M/s Phung Mai
TKTT and Dissident Writers Support Association
PO Box 4004

Dear M/s Le, M/s Duy and M/s Mai

Thank you for your email dated 7 May 2007 concerning the case of Tran Khai Thanh Thuy.

Human rights are a foreign policy priority for the Australian Government and an important part of the bilateral relationship with Vietnam. The human rights dialogue, a bilateral technical cooperation program and the Australian Government’s human rights small grants scheme are mechanisms by which Australia pursues human rights outcomes in Vietnam. Australia will continue to make representations to the Vietnamese Government regarding individuals subject to detention, house arrest or harassment for the peaceful expression of their political or religious beliefs.

The circumstances you raise in your letter are of concern. Please be assured that Australia’s Embassy in Hanoi is active in monitoring human rights issues across Vietnam. Your letter and the specific case you raise have been drawn to the Embassy’s attention.

Thank you for bringing your views to the attention of the Government.

Yours sincerely

[Original signed]

Colin Milner
Human Rights and Indigenous Issues Section

Thư của hội bảo vệ TKTT gởi bộ ngoại giao Úc

Dear Ms Fleur Hamilton,

Many thanks for your email and for DFAT's prompt and kind response.
We greatly appreciate DFAT's concern and its action in bringing the case of Dissident Writer Tran Khai Thanh Thuy to the attention of our Australian Embassy in Hanoi.

Please find attached the newest images on the arrest of Writer TKTT by Vietnamese civil police on 21st April, 2007.

With best regards,

Truc Le, Phuong Duy and Phung Mai
Executive Members,

TKTT and Dissident Writers Support Association.
email: tktt_help@yahoo.com.au
PO Box 4004 Ardeer Victoria 3022 AUSTRALIA